In the heart of West Africa lies Burkina Faso, an intriguing, little-known gem boasting deserts, green rolling landscapes, strange rock formations and a diverse selection of engaging, friendly people. Burkina Faso holidays allow you to explore this stable, varied destination.
The fabulous sounding Ouagadougou is an congenial capital city with plenty of attractions and celebrated nightlife scene; Bobo-Dioulasso is a small, delightful centre with a charming old quarter, thriving market square and attractive Grand Mosque, whilst Tiébélé in the south is home to colourful, painted fortress houses and Gorom-Gorom is home to the country's best market, which ranks as one of the liveliest, a visit to which constitutes one of the most intoxicating experiences in West Africa.
Head to Sindou Peaks to search out hippo or head to Réserva de Nazinga to see elephant conservation in action; explore the unusual landscape around Banfora or use the town as a base for hiking and mountain biking excursions to sights such as the Karfiguéla Falls.
Although one of the poorest countries in the world, Burkina Faso is rich in other ways and a trip or tour to Burkina Faso will stay with you long after you leave.