A series of special travel features by Wexas editors and destination specialists that focus on a wide variety of travel experiences, themes and things to inspire your trips all around the world.
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List of articles
Volcanoes aren't everyone's cup of tea, but for those who crave adventure and a connection to the raw power of nature, they're pure magic. This is your passport to the world of volcano tourism. Join us as we embark on a tour of the top 5 volcano destinations in the world.
For some, rain is a source of life, a welcome break from the sun. But for others, the allure lies in the opposite extreme: the vast, arid landscapes where the sun reigns supreme. Join us as we take a deep dive into the driest corners of our planet in search of unforgettable adventures.
Wexas Travel's Rachel Mostyn has recently returned from a journey through Peru. Here, on this comprehensive guide, she takes us through some of her highlights.
Wexas Travel's Rachel Pennycook recently returned from a visit to Cayo Exclusive Resort & Spa. Here, she gives us her take on this elegant Cretan retreat.